Vision ~ Purpose ~ Mission

Apostolic Legends Library

Whereas the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (P.A.W.) is the oldest continuous apostolic oneness organization in the world,

The mission of the Apostolic Legends library is as follows:

  • We preserve and highlight the legacies of our legendary P.A.W. presiders and the honorable bishops of the exclusively.

  • We set up and display an exhibit about the exploits of our legendary bishops at every P.A.W.  national convention.

  • We advance biblical scholarship as a historical library and Pentecostal resource repository, advancing positive knowledge of the oneness apostolic faith.

  • We collect and preserve noteworthy historical memorabilia to accentuate, applaud and make known the exploits of unsung apostolic luminaries.


The vision of the Apostolic Legends Library is to accentuate, honor and make known the deeds of all of our (P.A.W.) Pentecostal Apostolic pillars and luminaries.

We exist as a historical library and authentic learning resource, applauding the distinguished service of Pentecostal Assemblies of the World servants of all stripes.

As a Pentecostal repository we provide valuable apostolic heritage information to students of P.A.W. church history, religious organizations, historians, and autodidacts of all stripes. 

The Apostolic Legends Library is a “for us – by us” ministry of historian,

 District Elder LaMonte McNeese.